prenatal & birth prep

Pregnant bodies are strong, resilient and capable of anything.

This is the beginning of your journey as a mom. Let me guide you through this unforgettable experience of moving fearlessly throughout the whole pregnancy and beyond.

You will feel strong, beautiful and full of energy.

On each trimester, we are going to focus on different goals depending on what your body needs and modifying safely.

Also, you will learn how to effectively use your transversus abdominis through diaphragmatic breathing, which has many benefits like

  • creating a strong core foundation

  • helping your GI system (digestion, easing heartburn, nausea and constipation)

  • relieving pain, especially during labor and pushing

  • and it is one of the most powerful tools that we use during the postpartum period to “reconnect” your core and pelvic floor functions.

We offer an array of group or private sessions that includes mobility, weight training, LHIIT (Labor High Intensity Interval Training), Pilates Matwork and Reformer, and Barre.

Book a phone call so we can chat about you, about what you want, and what program fits you better.


postnatal & beyond